Stephen Arthur

Featured, Painting
Abstract Art, Acrylics on Canvas
Born in Hamilton, NZ, Stephen has spent most of his life in the Waikato/BOP regions.
His father (a bushman/farmer) and mother (interior decorator/dressmaker) have both nurtured in Stephen a love for nature and creativity. Through the medium of paint he seeks to inspire others to reconnect to the natural world. Stephen is a founding member of the ‘FLUX’ collective of artists, a local art studio and gallery found in the heart of Rotorua.
With a restless, rebellious and freedom loving nature, Stephen works in a variety of different ways, purposely making his art hard to define, as he dislikes restriction, and tires easily of it. Working with a plethora of different materials in multiple ways brings him a sense of freedom in an increasingly restrictive world. This approach lends itself well to abstraction and its related openness, allowing pure experimentation.
Organic lines and full colour give these paintings a life of their own, some almost hyperactive in essence. Fun, colourful and lively, manifested in a fresh and creative manner, they are a step away from the usual. Painted in a raw and simplistic fashion, they give an honesty and directness that defies our tenancies to over complicate and overthink our world.
“The exploration and discovery of the art journey is a metaphor for the human journey of discovery”
Stephen Arthur 2020

Current Work:

All acrylic on canvas and various sizes

In order of appearance:

Largest canvas on display “Abstract Impression of Trees” | 48 x 36 Inches | $800

“Purple Power” | 30 x 30 Inches | $495

“Mean Greenie” | 30 x 30 Inches | $495

“Where the sea meets the sky, Ultra marine dream” | 30 x 30 Inches | $495

“Memory of a forgotten dream” | 20 x 20 Inches | $295


Others in square series:

the largest being 30 x 30 inches, down to 20 x 20inches. Prices range from $295 – $495.

Any enquiries, please email us.